Friday, October 28, 2011

Before October Ends

I have not updated my blog religiously. It seems work and personal life is hindering me to fulfill my needs of writing. Yes, it is a need for me to write, not just a simple want. I need to write to let the stuck words out of my head and be shared to people. I know that the people who reads Miss Lakwatsera is "not much" but I am also fully aware that though they are not many, they are special people who cares, loves and enjoys reading my senseless writing.

So before October ends, I give out a very good news on my Technology presence. Drum roll please...

Miss Lakwatsera is now on Twitter!!! Yes, you read that right. Miss Lakwatsera's a Twitter late bloomer. It was only just recently that I took the patience of understanding how it works (yeah right! it seems simple to a lot, but no matter how technical I may be, the tweeting seems to be not sinking in to me - until recently).

You may now follow me on twitter by clicking the button below: 

See you guys on twitter! I'm so excited to start this! :)

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