Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Gift of Beauty to Someone I Love

I was lucky enough to have been brought up by a cheerful Dad and a wonderful Mom. Though I would like to say a little more emphasis to "A Wonderful Mom" as I saw personally how wholeheartedly she brought 3 of us, her children, without any household help. Just pure her. But with the 29 years of my existence, I have never get tired of her utmost love and support. From the day she taught me how to sing the ABC's at one year old, to the day she taught me how to declaim the "Little Caterpillar" at five years old, to the day she choose my prom dress at 15, and to the day she help me wear the right wedding dress at 27. All these things done purely by a mother, whom I may not be vocal enough to thank, but all my heart goes out to her. Who would've thought that those simple ABC's that she taught me would lead up to Valedictory & Latin Honors? Who would've imagined that prom dress would win me a Ms. Junior-Senior prom title? Who would ever thought that helping me wear that wedding dress would make me the happiest girl in the world?

So, if I were given a bag full of beautiful products from Sample Room I would like to give it to her, my one and only mother - Meri Joy Lee. Even all that she taught me are priceless, this will be a simple token of my appreciation for her to have time for herself. Now that my youngest sibling is about to graduate from college, I believe this is the best gift that I can give her, for her to find more time for herself to relax, beautify herself and enjoy the fruit of her motherhood as she raised three of us with kind hearts and great ambitions in life.

To Mama, I am guilty that raising me may not be a smooth sail, and I might have added some fine lines into your beautiful face, but I hope this simple gift can find your way to show how much I truly care and how much I truly love you as a mother I cannot even live without.

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