Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Heaven and Eggs

During one of August 2009's long weekend, I was in Eastwood to have our usual movie night. The cinema counter's line was so long that we had the last full show and finished buying the tickets by 8PM.

As soon as we reached City Walk, I was astounded at how full all of the restaurants were despite the fact that its drizzling. A lot were still having their dinner and we can't find a place to get warm and satisfy our growling stomachs.

Then a very warm call came, pointing that they have a seat available for us at Heaven and Eggs. At last, a place to sit and eat!

The very homely ambiance of the resto is perfect for our rainy and stressed day from work. We ordered two main dishes and a pancakes for dessert.

Plate dish

Sizzling Dish

Jackson Five (composed of 4 choco and 1 regular pancake)

The homely ambiance was great, giving me comfort to eat. I give 4 stars for the place. However on the food, I can only give 3 stars because even though the presentation was nice the taste wasn't appealing and flavorful. Parang walang lasa lahat. Having such a homey ambiance doesn't match with the food's taste. First impression was I feel like I'm about to have a meal at home, but I was deprived from that. :(

First impressions are not usually correct.

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