Sunday, November 22, 2009

Talangka: In English?

After a year of waiting I finally got a sumptuous meal of talangka. Hot rice, Vinegar with Chili and a kilo of steamed talangka is what I call a good Sunday lunch.

Credits to for the image

Though while eating I got curious. What is the english name for talangka? Crabs are for Alimango and Alimasag. Crablets are for tiny Alimasags. The answer? I googled. :)

Talangka in English is called Shore Crab. They are smaller than the normal crabs. They are commonly known as Asian Shore Crab and are mostly found in the Asian Region Seas. However, they are now visible along the USA's Atlantic sea. Maybe they already migrated there due to asian seas pollution. (Which is of the different topic and I wouldn't tackle it here.)

In figurative Filipino Speech. Talangka is commonly used in two phrases. "Utak Talangka" and "Talangka Mentality".

Utak Talangka - is like the Filipino version of "Air Head" meaning not thinking or the person has no brain. Sample sentence would be: Ito talagang si Pedro utak talangka, di man lang naisip na mababasa ang mga sampay pag umulan.
Talangka Mentality - is the Filipino version of "Crab Mentality" where in when someone is succeeding or is ahead they keep on pulling them downwards due to envy. Sample sentence would be: Sa mga politiko marami and talangka mentality ang pinapairal.

Now you've been enligtened. ^-^ Enjoy the taba ng talangka, beware to high blood people for they are high in cholesterol.

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