Sunday, May 17, 2009

Angels and Demons

At last! Angels and Demons! I give this movie four stars. For the reason that the excitement was not fully portrayed in the story as how the book does. Oh well, I don't know in the views of those who haven't read Dan Brown's book but for me it lacks a little more gist when they are in the searching scenarios. Most significant scenes were on the short-cut mode and the explaining of the symbols, histories and structures were sometimes over-explained but still confusing.

The conflict of Science and Religion which was the book's original plot was lacking. The Lab scenes are very short but well it's a movie, what more can you ask for?

All in all it was still a must-watch. The investigative and clue searching was still there. As a book, I love Angels and Demons more than The Da Vinci Code. As a movie, it's the other way around, I love The Da Vinci Code more than Angels and Demons.

I was able to watch it yesterday at its last full show schedule at Eastwood Cinemas. We were there by 6pm, but the reserved seating (well as expected) was already full. Of all the 5 cinemas in Eastwood, most were already full for the 8pm schedule just by 6pm. So we got the 11:20pm schedule.

Oh well, at least I already got the first weekend to see the movie. I still prefer the book though. If you still haven't read it after the movie to avoid disappointments. - That's my personal view though.

Happy Watching... Movie Weekend. :D

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